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WORLD - Troubled Waters: China's Claim Over South China Sea

  JAN 9 2022 The South China Sea (SCS) dispute, which began in the 1950s and instigated by China, is still unresolved until today. China’s reason for claiming sovereignty over the SCS is mainly fuelled by the region’s estimated 11 billion barrels of untapped oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The affected ASEAN member-states of the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan and Vietnam must join forces to confront China and put an end to their bullying tactics. These countries share an economic interdependence with China over the last 25 years, which has become the much needed support system for both economic development and bilateral relationship. However, constant trespassing by China via sea and air has resulted in resentment and anger among these ASEAN nations. If there is no end to the territorial intrusions and claims, it will affect future economic dealings and bilateral relationship between China and the bloc. In the Philippines, in a
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WORLD - Yule Be Sorry

 Sicily Dec 14 2021                   A bishop in Italy “threw soot down his own chimney” when he claimed that Santa Claus does not exist. Antonio Stagliano also told a religious festival in Sicily recently that the famous red costume worn by “Jolly Ol’ St Nicholas” was invented by Coca-Cola for publicity. The Roman Catholic diocese of Noto insisted that Stagliano did not mean to dash the dreams of children just two weeks before Christmas. Communications director, the Rev Alessandro Paolino, posted on the diocese's social media platform stating that Stagliano was merely trying to interpret in his own way on the true meaning of Christmas. He said Stagliano only suggested that the manner in which Christmas is celebrated nowadays is linked to consumerism. Several parents in the diocese accepted Stagliano's attempt to focus on the true meaning of Christmas while others criticised him for interfering with family traditions and celebrations, and crushing the spirits of chi